Welcome to Lake Clarke Gardens

Lake Clarke Gardens Condominium, Inc
Q. What are my voting rights in the Condominium Association?
A. The owner(s) of each condominium unit shall be entitled to one vote for each condominium unit owned. If a condominium unit owner owns more than one unit, he shall be entitled to one vote for each unit owned. The vote of a condominium unit shall not be devisable.
Q. What restrictions exist in the Condominium documents on my right to use my unit?
A. You may not conduct a business in or from your unit.
1) No person under fifty-five years of age shall be permitted to purchase, own, or lease a unit, unless such person is a member of the immediate family of a person fifty-five (55) years of age or older who has an ownership interest in a unit. At least one person fifty-five years or more must be a permanent occupant of each dwelling unit, while any person occupies said dwelling unit.
2) No children under fifteen (15) years of age shall be permitted to reside in any of the units or rooms thereof in this Condominium, except that children may be permitted to visit and temporarily reside for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days cumulatively in any twelve (12) month period.
3) A unit may be occupied in the absence of the owner or lessee for no more than 30 days cumulatively in any 12-month period only. Provided one of the occupants are 55+.
4)Visitors may reside in the unit when unit owners are present for no more than 30 days cumulatively in any 12-month period.
5) If a unit is to be unoccupied for a period of three (3) months or more, the unit owner shall be required to authorize in writing on the approved FORM NO. 1 – “REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORIZATION FORM” – a designated representative who shall make monthly inspections during the owner’s absence. If this in not done, the Board of Directors shall have the right to have a Board member and an authorized employee make the required monthly inspection. If the latter procedure is necessary, there shall be a service charge of $10 per inspection.
6) No animals or pets of any kind shall be kept in any unit, or on any property of the Condominium.
Q. What restrictions exist in the condominium documents on the leasing of a unit?
A. An owner may rent his/her unit after s/he has owned it for two years (24 months). The Screening Committee must approve the rental and potential renters must complete orientation prior to staying in the unit. The owner must register the renter in the LCG Office, prior to anyone moving in, in order that the screening process can occur. Units may be rented for a minimum of three months consecutively to a maximum of six months consecutively within a twelve-month period. Units may not be sub-leased, nor may any individual rooms be rented or leased.
Q. How much are my assessments by the condominium association for my unit type and when are they due?
A. The Association, through its Board of Directors, shall have the power to fix and determine, from time to time, the sum or sums necessary and adequate to provide for the common expenses of the Condominium property and such other assessments as are specifically provided for in this Declaration and By-Laws attached hereto. The determination of such assessments shall be as set forth in the By-Laws of the Association. The common expenses shall be assessed against each Condominium parcel owner, as provided for in Article VI of this Declaration. Any monthly Maintenance Fee (the term “Maintenance Fee” includes the stipulated Reserve Fund Amount) not paid by the tenth day following the specified due date shall be subject to a penalty of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00). An additional TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) per month shall be assessed for each month the payment remains in arrears for up to three months when our attorney will be instructed to have a lien placed on the property.
Q. Do I have to be a member of any other association?
A. No
Q. Am I required to pay rent or land use fees for recreation or other commonly used facilities?
A. No
Q. Is the condominium association or other mandatory membership association involved in any court cases in which it may face liability in excess of $100,000? If so, identify each case.
A. No
Q. Will I be assessed for repairs or replacement of Paving Roads, Parking Lots, Elevator Repairs, Roofs, Painting of Buildings or other common area expenses which have no Reserves, including Concrete Restoration?
A. The Association, through its Board of Directors, shall have the power to fix and determine, from time to time, the sum or sums necessary and adequate to provide for the common expenses of the Condominium property and such other assessments as are specifically provided for in this Declaration and By-Laws attached hereto. The procedure for the determination of such assessments shall be as set forth in the By-Laws of the Association. The common expenses shall be assessed against each Condominium parcel owner, as provided for in Article VI of this Declaration.
Q. When is the Activities office open?
A. The Activities office opens from 9:30 am to 11:30 am Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during Season.
Q. How does the Association communicate with the residents?
A. Daily bulletin board posts, community website, mass emails, community TV channel 590, and a monthly newsletter.
Q. How do I obtain my mailbox & FOB keys?
A. Mailbox keys & FOB should be turned over at closing since the Management Office does not obtain them during turnover. FOB keys can be purchased as replacements at the cost of $50.00 per fob. If only one owner, only one key is given for that unit. If the unit is registered to only one person and the other person is a registered permanent occupant, s/he will receive a second FOB. If a unit owner owns more than one unit, they receive only one key fob. Not one per unit.